Monday, November 20, 2017

Healthy or Unhealthy?

Hi parents. Today we did an activity to test your children's knowledge of healthy and unhealthy foods. I created a Quizlet which you can find here if you want to use it at home. You can use the flashcard mode, or the mode that I used in class which was the matching mode. If you download the app on your smartphone or tablet your kids can play the Quizlet on there too. Also if you create a Quizlet account you can copy the Quizlet that I created and add more foods to it. Here's the view of the matching mode on the computer.

The kids loved it and it was a great way for me to see if they still remembered the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods. This nutrition lesson was a great thing to start the year off with and I'm excited to see what else will come with the rest of the year.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Healthy vs. Unhealthy

Hello parents. Today in class we talked about the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods. I started this off by reading The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food. The link that I have provided is a YouTube video of someone reading the story if you want to go over it at home. The students seemed to enjoy reading the story. After we read the story I put up this presentation slide that I made with Visme showing healthy and unhealthy foods. I displayed it without telling them which side was which. I then handed out two paper strips to each student with healthy and unhealthy written on them and asked them to place them on the side that they thought each of them belonged to.

I used pictures of actual foods this time instead of just clip art images so that they could see what the foods look like in real life. After they chose which side healthy and unhealthy belonged to I asked a couple of the students to explain their choices. After hearing their explanations I made my own explanation of why the left side was healthy and the right side was unhealthy. I found a game that you can play at home with your kids that you have to sort the healthy and unhealthy foods. As always please be sure to subscribe to the blog so that you get notified every time that I post.

(Image credits: salad, chicken, pasta, milk, fruit, hamburger, chips, candy, chocolate, soda)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Food Groups Coloring Page

Hi parents. Today in class, to review the different food groups that we learned, I created a coloring page with Canva. Here it is below if you want to print it out and have your children do it again.
I did the activity with fruits and vegetables since those are the foods that the kids are more familiar with. I will definitely do more of these with the other food groups so I can see what they remember and if they need some help identifying certain foods. They seemed to have a lot of fun with this activity since it was coloring but it was great for me to see what they remember from what we learned in class. Again you can check out these games and activities about MyPlate for more fun at home.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Fun Food Groups!

Hello parents! Today in class we started talking about the different food groups. I created a Thinglink that I displayed in class to talk about the different food groups. I outlined each picture with the colors that correspond to the MyPlate organization of the food groups.

I first asked the students to identify what foods were on the screen (e.g. apple, lettuce). Then I explained which food group the food belonged to and asked them if they could name any other foods that were in that group. Then I hovered over the point on the Thinglink to reveal if they were right in their thinking.

A great resource for you to find out more information about nutrition is the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion website. I encourage you to talk about the different food groups at home and to try to incorporate them into your family meals. Also check out some of the games and activities about MyPlate that you can help your children do.

Healthy or Unhealthy?

Hi parents. Today we did an activity to test your children's knowledge of healthy and unhealthy foods. I created a Quizlet which you can...